Saturday 16 November 2013


Couldn't sleep worth shit last night and in moments of clarity and there was one or two - I realized that my increased weight was what was affecting my sleep and my weight to remain stable.

So in a moment of cognitive frailty I've decided to give it at least 15 day of Atkins and Skinny Fibre. Lord knows I could use the boost.

It is day one of the initial fun of dieting - and only 20 carbs a day allowance of my precious delicious but killing carbs.  Sighing heavily.

Limiting myself to 2 delicious  a day - and NO CHIPS, BREAD, BUNS - sorry didn't mean to shout.

Stayed in my housecoat all day - it was that kind of day.  Freaking snow and more snow. Lovely warm bubble bath in the afternoon, a nap or two and listening to a story on audible. Began to work on a grandmother's flower garden quilt. Found a bag of already cut hexagons - geeze I think I did those at least 4 years ago. One thing about this kind of quilt - it's great to sit and listen to something while

hand sewing the flowers - trying to decide on the colour of the pathways -

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