Tuesday 12 November 2013


So I figured, why the heck not. Though I often think the life of a 60ish - don't you love the whole "ish" thing woman and novel writer is rather boring. It will be interesting to write down just how boring - or maybe not so much - who knows.

I have 3 novels on the go - one is a rewrite of something I w rote years ago and is only 127 pages. I'm attempting to add another 200+ interesting pages to it before submitting it for publication.

The 2nd is my first attempt at a hetro mystery.

And the 3rd has been completed for years but is disjointed so I've sent it out for editing. Maybe new eyes will be able to pull it together.

Heard from a friend in Toronto yesterday, his father has had a stroke, I wish money and strength were in excess so that I could head to Toronto to just be there for him. Instead once again I'm relegated to the sidelines.

Another young friend has separated from a 12 year relationship. Again I wish I could be there for him. Sigh - getting old and being on a pension is a rather big downer.

My daughter dropped over today for a few minutes and I had to wonder once she left how we all manage to never find the time to visit except at holidays. We are most definitely not as close as I am to sundry other girls and boys - most of whom are now in their 30's and 40's.

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